Biafra was a sovereign kingdom or an entity with its own geographical territory, as shown in a 1584 map of Africa by Abraham Ortelius. Like the ancient nation of Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan, Biafra existed before the coming of the Europeans to the African continent. Biafra practiced autonomous democracies among its clans until the entry of the British colonialists. The Biafra nation/kingdom was first amalgamated with the Yoruba in the SW of Nigeria and eventually forcefully/maliciously amalgamated with the Hausas in the North by the colonial masters for their selfish economic reasons. After series of pogrom against the Biafrans, they were merged. The colonial masters seriously rigged the election, the contraption was made up of the amalgamated entities, and Nigeria was given a “flag” independence in 1960 with power placed in the hands of the illiterate nomadic North. Biafra has been struggling to free itself from the “forced marriage” since the amalgamation in 1914 and the false independence in 1960. The agitation has been peaceful. From 1966 to 1970, with a demonstrated determination for self-rule and declaration to free from the collaborative clutch, bondage, and subjugation by colonial Britain and then Islamic Fulani oligarchy has resulted in a routine pogrom, ethnic cleansing, genocide against our people since 1945.
Its territory consisted of the Eastern Region of Nigeria. After Biafra’s declaration of independence, Nigeria declared war on the nascent state, defeating them in the Nigerian Civil War and reuniting the two states. Biafra was formally recognized by Gabon, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, and Zambia.